Friday, November 24, 2006

I Can't wait for this weekend :)

I am leaving right after school to go to a hockey terny. I am so stocked. I love playing hockey it is so kick ass!! We are going to have so much fun. Bobbi, Tanni, Joel, and myself are going to be staying in a motle room together. Our team plays to night @ 8:00 sharp in the Ice Box arena. I can't wait!!!!


Blogger GUS GUS said...

hey sam
so sounds like you had a good last game eh, but were drunk for hte first very very disapointed in you:P anyways hope you had a good time ne ways
gus gus<3

11:31 AM

Blogger I Wanna Go Fast!!! said...

Haha wow, what I pic eh.Where was that anyways looks like we didn't have much of a team haha. You rock my world at hockey Sam haha

11:00 AM


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